
2D Children's book : "Who is hiding from Cocheta?"

*Writing and illustrating children's book is about more than simply adding pictures to text*

When making this book, i simply illustrate with pencil 2b and watercolour paper art 260gr. Colouring start with acrylic paints then finish it with Calligraphic pen for the lining. Almost 11 days i coloured all the sketches and simply scan them in High resolution. I printed in art cardboard 260 gr and created the book using cardboard based.

Here is the pics before :

(I make it approx 6 hours with my own hands, not that neat but i love it :) )

when the book is done:

After Scan (in this pics it doesnt look high definision but actually it does. This pics are taken by my camera so it doenst show the sharp textures of the pics ):

Hint of the story: Cocheta is a naughty little girl. Cocheta means "That you cannot imagine (*Red Indian)". She always making a mess in her house everyday playing as an Red Indian with her only friend baba the bunny doll. One day her mum was so upset then she told her that if she keep behave like this she wont be able to make friends later in her future elementary school. Because she so stubborn she want to prove her mum that she can make friends, then off she go to the forest near her house to find animal and try to make friends with them. Cocheta doesn't realize that lots of animals were tried to hide from her noisy sound. Can you guess what kind of animals that trying to hide from her? see for your self as this pop up book will guide you to discover beautiful and exotic animals.

Media: Acrylic paint

Story and illustration copyright (c) 2011 by Angling R Tilarsih /(Redcheek)

Hopefully there will be opportunity and offers from publisher :) Amen.

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Sushi Rangers

お食事をお楽しみください *
(*Enjoy your food)

well not much of my friend back there knows that i ever worked as a sushi chef in one of the Japanese restaurant in UK.
well turn up when i'm here in my country, my heart was move to make a sushi restaurant.
3 months before i meet my partners in crime and discuss about my ideas. They sure welcome with it,and after that every Thursday we meet to discuss about the management role.

in future, three of us would like to make a sushi restaurant that affordable for students. The things that we have to consider are the basic materials to make sushi. i tried to make the unique one, so i thought about using others elements that sushi chef not usually use it back there in UK.

In UK all the material usually made from fresh products and serve them raw.
only a few of them that categorize as fusion sushi will use mature materials.
Therefore the food have to be fresh and well prepared. Hence as a selling point they usually throw all the food that not been sale nor eaten in 2 hours. Its quite unfortunate and waste of food.
well, because in my country most of the climates were HOT, then i tried to make sushi that have a great taste, affordable, have extra time to be consume, and zero waste.

Me and my partners were thinking to improve or diversify the product. Therefore we use torch and oven to create what we known as "HOT SUSHI"

here is the example:

the taste was excellent and the material were very affordable. The important things are we can keep the product save (cause the heat is reduce the bacteria) and giving new way of presenting the sushi.

Well not only sushi, we also diversify other products like ramen, Udon, Onigiri, Curry, and some of the Japanese desserts.

The biggest obstacle that we had is time.
next year i'm going back to UK, and the rest of my partner still work in private companies that drag them to work more in there.

Hopefully, after i come back from UK, we all can continue with our MAGIC plans to build up a cool place for everybody to hang out...

*finger cross*

with love and full tummy
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Mom's birthday present

Hi mates...
Its been a while... i just busy roaming around and try to finish my first children's book. But hey, yesterday i remembered that mi mom gonna have a birthday this Xmas..
Yeap.. she born in Italy 1952 exactly Dec 25.

Every Xmas we all gathered and celebrated her birthday where she invited everyone that she knows and bug them for a present. But its not just ordinary present, she likes to ask people for a unique one.

Back in my Bachelor degree Uni, she asked all my close mates to make park bench, frame that is filled with ornaments made from kitchen spices, decoration of the starfish,and other unique things that you cannot buy in stores. I know its sounds demanding, well she is sometimes (>.< yes you are mom.. hehehe).. but she always treats my mates like her children and taking a good care of them.. Therefore they cant refuse her request (hahaha.. sorry mates). The most important things according to mi mom is a gift that given to her are based on handmade and genuine intentions from the giver.

This year i give her my painting:

I remembered back there in my uni i stayed in a dormitory. The owner of the dormitory had a little daughter, she loves when mi mom come to visit me and play with her. She just 3 years old when i left the dormitory. Mi mom love her and every time she came, she always bring something to her. Because mi mom love to knitting, it turns she made her blankets, small bags, and socks. Sometimes she brought sweets and fruits for her as well. She will jumping around and dancing like little reindeer that just woke up from her long hibernation. Maybe because of that she thought that my mom is her grandma, she usually jump when heard mi mom voices calling her in the end of the month.

well lots of my friend mocking me that i should give my mom grandchildren soon, but hey... :D dont worry, there will be the time for that (im gonna make bunch of little bunnies, hahahahaha). For now, i just consider about my future first :)

well.. that's for now.. hopefully she likes it when i give her at her birthday.
love you Mom.. and have a blast one!

Massive hug
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My first handmade and hand painted clutch

hi Mates...

Its been ages.. yes i know.. its my bad, too long abandoned this site of mine. Well my lovely folks ill start with my activity that i've been doing recently when i came to visit my country Indonesia.
ive got my "partner in crime" back here, so along with those chitty chatty... we came out with an idea to make handmade and hand painted clutch. First i remembered that my nana had her old sewing machine... so we fix it at the singer store in Harmony road, Jakarta- Indonesia.

For your information.. i am not that good with sewing and pattern cutting, so my partner in crime is the one that struggled made the pattern and learned how to make clutch through the internet (thumbs up for Anindya Mutiara). We thought that if we want to start our own business, we have to make sure that we get the cheapest materials so we went to search the materials in Tanaabang and Mangga dua, Jakarta (Thank you for my childhood friend Aqanta that help us to reach there safe and sound). They have many things in there.. start from the low value until the expensive value.. they have it all, all you have to do is be patient and try hard to compare the prices from one store to another.

The sewing machine that my Nana had is from Italy, Singer number 514 and never been use since 10 years ago. Therefore we looked for the manual book, but it doesnt help cause its in Italian language (Of course dummies!!) ;P. Hence we all got the simple explanation form the store manager when the sewing machine been fix (yaaay!! :D)

We made 2 models, the first one we make vintage clutch using semi silk material (outside of the clutch) mix with Japanese cotton (inside of the clutch). For the handle we used Bronze handle, the hardest part is when you try to fit the materials into the handle.. (taking me and my partner in crime ages to do that...). to make it easy for you, you should put hard paper in between and castol glue. Therefore its easily fit into the handle and for the finishing touch, i paint the clutch to make it unique. As an addition i put little shining beads to make it more posh :)
here you are:

and when you open it (viola!!) :D

The second model, we made cover book bags. Its made from cover book mix with cotton pattern materials, the handle we used light bamboo stick that had been bend. For the cover i paint it with acrylics and use varnish as a finishing (to make the cover look shiny) :)
here it goes:

and when you open it: :)

from beside :

here some of the covers that ive made...
1. Fashion 4 life


2. Euro Trip


3. Sushi Girl

we had our brand as well...we named it IOF
Stands for "Idiots On Fire"

well.. hopefully you guys like it.. if you guys want to have one.. please dont be shy and sent me mail to order them customize for yourself or friends and families as a gift :)
ill be delightful to do that :D

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My Children's book project

Hello again folks...
well you guys probably confuse why all of a sudden i want to become Children's book Illustrator...
well back there in UK, i promised my self to keep creating illustration that can help me to develop my career in ART. Therefore i've been lucky enough to meet "someone" that introduce me and open my mind about what actually i should do to improve my creativity :) (Thanks, you!) :D

In back there in Summer 2009, i took Children's book illustration course in University of Art, London St Martin. This huge opportunity help me to know better about how to make children's book. When i came back to visit my country, i tried to make sketches and storyline. I realize that when i went to General book store, lots of preety and awesome Children's book are been made outside my country. The big Y is... why there's only a few people that making it in my country? Hence ive come up with ideas to make one of my Children's book.

but becareful when youre colouring those paper.. dont end up like me.. too excited to do it... and i acidently hurt my hand... (hahah)
i used some hot plaster to remove the pain...
it helps... :)

well... hopefully i can finish and publish this book soon...
*finger cross*

ps: Thank you for such great inspire, hopefully ill see you next year in UK and watch Ben folds together. :)
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Painting 6: Shivani

Title: Pop art of Shivani
Materials: canvas, acrylic paints
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Sketch 4: Ben

Title: Ben
materials: pencil and paper
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Sketch 3: "BunnyTransforming"

Title : Bunny Transforming
material: Paper, Pencil, and non permanent pen
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Painting 5: Rifat and Aya

Title: Rifat and Aya (manga's style)
Material: canvas 40 x 40 cm, acrylic paints.
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Painting 4: Thalha

Title: Thalha
Material: canvas 40 x 40 cm, acrylic paints
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Painting 3: Kemal

Title: Kemal
materials:canvas r: 10cm, acrylic paints
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Painting 2: Dinata

Title: Dinata
materials: canvas 40 x 20 cm, acrylic paints, and ben folds songs :)
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Cartoon Character 4: "Here and There"

title: "here and there"
material: table pad
*dedicated for everyone that having long distance relationship >.<
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Cartoon Character 3: Funny friends of mine, different but unique

Title: Funny friends of mine, different but unique
material: table pad
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Cartoon Character 2: "When Monster meet little girl"

Title: "When Monster meet little girl"
Material: table pad
*based on Thafhan Muwaffaq's story (2010)
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Sketch 2: Imay and his nephew

Title: Imay and his newphew
material: paper, pen, Scanner, and non permanent lumocolor pen
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Cartoon Character 1: Just take it slow

Title: "Just take it slow"
material: Table pad
(* somewhere in September 2009), this character dedicated to Lala and Riyan at Indonesia
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Painting 1: Nissa, Adam, Nanda

Title: Nissa, Adam, Nanda
material: canvas 40 x 40 cm, acrylic paints, and Owl city's songs :)
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Sketch 1: Naila and Mom

Title: Naila and Mom
material : paper, pencil, scanner, non permanet lumocolor pen, and Ben folds's songs :) (somewhere in 2008)
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