Its been ages.. yes i know.. its my bad, too long abandoned this site of mine. Well my lovely folks ill start with my activity that i've been doing recently when i came to visit my country Indonesia.
ive got my "partner in crime" back here, so along with those chitty chatty... we came out with an idea to make handmade and hand painted clutch. First i remembered that my nana had her old sewing machine... so we fix it at the singer store in Harmony road, Jakarta- Indonesia.
For your information.. i am not that good with sewing and pattern cutting, so my partner in crime is the one that struggled made the pattern and learned how to make clutch through the internet (thumbs up for Anindya Mutiara). We thought that if we want to start our own business, we have to make sure that we get the cheapest materials so we went to search the materials in Tanaabang and Mangga dua, Jakarta (Thank you for my childhood friend Aqanta that help us to reach there safe and sound). They have many things in there.. start from the low value until the expensive value.. they have it all, all you have to do is be patient and try hard to compare the prices from one store to another.
The sewing machine that my Nana had is from Italy, Singer number 514 and never been use since 10 years ago. Therefore we looked for the manual book, but it doesnt help cause its in Italian language (Of course dummies!!) ;P. Hence we all got the simple explanation form the store manager when the sewing machine been fix (yaaay!! :D)
We made 2 models, the first one we make vintage clutch using semi silk material (outside of the clutch) mix with Japanese cotton (inside of the clutch). For the handle we used Bronze handle, the hardest part is when you try to fit the materials into the handle.. (taking me and my partner in crime ages to do that...). to make it easy for you, you should put hard paper in between and castol glue. Therefore its easily fit into the handle and for the finishing touch, i paint the clutch to make it unique. As an addition i put little shining beads to make it more posh :)
here you are:
and when you open it (viola!!) :D
The second model, we made cover book bags. Its made from cover book mix with cotton pattern materials, the handle we used light bamboo stick that had been bend. For the cover i paint it with acrylics and use varnish as a finishing (to make the cover look shiny) :)
here it goes:
and when you open it: :)
from beside :
here some of the covers that ive made...
1. Fashion 4 life
2. Euro Trip
3. Sushi Girl
we had our brand as well...we named it IOF
Stands for "Idiots On Fire"
well.. hopefully you guys like it.. if you guys want to have one.. please dont be shy and sent me mail to order them customize for yourself or friends and families as a gift :)
ill be delightful to do that :D
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