
Sushi Rangers

お食事をお楽しみください *
(*Enjoy your food)

well not much of my friend back there knows that i ever worked as a sushi chef in one of the Japanese restaurant in UK.
well turn up when i'm here in my country, my heart was move to make a sushi restaurant.
3 months before i meet my partners in crime and discuss about my ideas. They sure welcome with it,and after that every Thursday we meet to discuss about the management role.

in future, three of us would like to make a sushi restaurant that affordable for students. The things that we have to consider are the basic materials to make sushi. i tried to make the unique one, so i thought about using others elements that sushi chef not usually use it back there in UK.

In UK all the material usually made from fresh products and serve them raw.
only a few of them that categorize as fusion sushi will use mature materials.
Therefore the food have to be fresh and well prepared. Hence as a selling point they usually throw all the food that not been sale nor eaten in 2 hours. Its quite unfortunate and waste of food.
well, because in my country most of the climates were HOT, then i tried to make sushi that have a great taste, affordable, have extra time to be consume, and zero waste.

Me and my partners were thinking to improve or diversify the product. Therefore we use torch and oven to create what we known as "HOT SUSHI"

here is the example:

the taste was excellent and the material were very affordable. The important things are we can keep the product save (cause the heat is reduce the bacteria) and giving new way of presenting the sushi.

Well not only sushi, we also diversify other products like ramen, Udon, Onigiri, Curry, and some of the Japanese desserts.

The biggest obstacle that we had is time.
next year i'm going back to UK, and the rest of my partner still work in private companies that drag them to work more in there.

Hopefully, after i come back from UK, we all can continue with our MAGIC plans to build up a cool place for everybody to hang out...

*finger cross*

with love and full tummy


redcheekpainter said...

Thanks to all my lovely crews in Yo!sushi
-love you guys-

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