
My Children's book project

Hello again folks...
well you guys probably confuse why all of a sudden i want to become Children's book Illustrator...
well back there in UK, i promised my self to keep creating illustration that can help me to develop my career in ART. Therefore i've been lucky enough to meet "someone" that introduce me and open my mind about what actually i should do to improve my creativity :) (Thanks, you!) :D

In back there in Summer 2009, i took Children's book illustration course in University of Art, London St Martin. This huge opportunity help me to know better about how to make children's book. When i came back to visit my country, i tried to make sketches and storyline. I realize that when i went to General book store, lots of preety and awesome Children's book are been made outside my country. The big Y is... why there's only a few people that making it in my country? Hence ive come up with ideas to make one of my Children's book.

but becareful when youre colouring those paper.. dont end up like me.. too excited to do it... and i acidently hurt my hand... (hahah)
i used some hot plaster to remove the pain...
it helps... :)

well... hopefully i can finish and publish this book soon...
*finger cross*

ps: Thank you for such great inspire, hopefully ill see you next year in UK and watch Ben folds together. :)


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